Your flower oil paint-by-number painting can have a lot to say for itself. You can choose a bold piece that will get people talking when they enter the room. This can be a great deal of fun as paint-by-number can arouse some pretty strong emotions in people.
Ultimately paint-by-number should be bought because you absolutely love it, and want to look at it for years to come. Do not expect paint-by-number to appreciate in value very fast, as it tends to be a very gradual process. If you are buying art for an investment then make sure it is something you want around for a very long time as it can take a while to realise your asset.
Your flower oil paint-by-number painting will not be properly appreciated unless it is beautifully lit. You can buy specialist lighting for paint-by-number paintings, or get some track lighting, use wall sconces or floor lamps. You may be surprised at how the correct light can bring a picture to life.
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