Starting your own blog is now relatively easy and cheap. There are many tutorials on the Internet to help you do this. The biggest plus? It will only cost you a few dollars a month.
Once you launch your site, optimize it for search engines to increase its chances of making it to the first pages of search results. You will then be able to add affiliate links to your content.
Please note that you must clearly communicate the fact that you are using affiliate links. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires you to be transparent when you generate ad revenue.
If you are using a blog, create a separate page for this information, or add it to the footer block of your site.
You can post different links on your blog. it will be your decision. But for this to bring you profit, your partners must be in good standing, and your partner's products must be in demand.
Therefore, choose a reliable company. For example, like the ATN affiliate program. It is a reliable manufacturer of the market, a leading Tech Optics company. ATN manufactures flagship smart thermal and day & night vision optics